Today, there is old media and new media when it comes time to advertise and to get your message out for people to notice. What is effective and is radio a good deal? We found the following article and hope you find it useful as well as helpful in answering some of your questions.
This is a question that I get asked on a daily basis, so I thought I would sum it up in an article for all those out there searching for an answer. It’s quite simple really – Radio Advertising is as effective as you want it to be.
What do I mean by this? There are several factors that come into play when measuring the effect of a radio advertising campaign. Just as we learned in first grade – there is always a “Cause” that comes before the “effect”. So if you want a successful radio advertising campaign – let’s take a look at what can “cause” this to happen.
First, you need an effective message: A message that is put together by people who know how to write an effective radio commercial. Often time’s businesses will hire a professional radio commercial production firm to help them with this. While radio stations often offer “Free production” and “Free script writing” – the quality and effectiveness of these “free” efforts pale in comparison to what a small investment in a professional radio commercial production company can do for you. Bottom line, if you are going to do it – do it right. “Free” hardly ever means “Quality” or “effective”. If you have more questions about what an effective commercial consists of, drop me an email. It is listed below.
Second, you need an effective on-air schedule. Don’t just buy air time for the sake of buying air time. You will need frequency and consistency in your message if it is going to be effective. This often times requires being on the air for at least 3-4 weeks with a schedule that reaches the same people several times over in order for your target customers to take action. If you have more questions about what an effective on air schedule consists of, drop me an email. It is listed below.
Third – This ties into number two. Your commercial must be airing on stations that effectively reach your target audience. Quite simply – it’s demographics. No one in their right mind would to try and sell feminine products to a station that targets hard rocking males. Make sure your message is on target! The “most listened to” station in the market – may not be the “most listened to” by your target customer.
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Radio Advertising is the backbone of marketing industry.