Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Infomercials, the Web and Best of the Midwest

What if infomercials were inexpensive and easy to make? What if you could cover any thing you wanted to and talk about whatever you wanted to? Interested? Read on

Infomercials have been slowly making it to the web one way or another. Before the internet, infomercials relied solely on phone and / or mail order. Since then, many infomercials put the mail order address in a secondary location to the web address. The web allows the advertiser to include more information about the product. This could be in the form of testimonials, additional video of product demonstrations, and even user-generated content. The web site also provides another sales channel, getting sales from search engines and affiliate marketing traffic.

Consumer Feedback

The web has also allowed infomercial products to be rated, reviewed, commented, and talked about. Also, product feedback can be collected via the web to help improve the product, although it rarely makes it into any product enhancements. However, if the product doesn't perform as promised, the web has also acted as a facilitator for users of the product sold via the infomercial to band together and complain, which can cause significant negative press and taper sales.

Infomercial Parodies

Because infomercials often show people having difficult times in normal situations, they are often the target of parody videos. The web has enabled user-generated infomercial parodies to spread very rapidly. In some instances the parody videos have been viewed by millions of people. While not authorized by the producer, parody videos can act as a way to virally expand product awareness, albeit in the wrong context and message.

Word of Mouth

Having a website for the infomercial also lets people share the product easily with their friends, which can't be done on television, unless it's recorded. It's very easy for someone to come to the website for the infomercial and share that link with a friend or even go to the Youtube channel and embed the video in their own website.

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One of the largest media buying agencies for any infomercial and DRTV spot is A. Eicoff & Co. of Chicago

The previous article discusses some areas of infomercials and what is being done. We can bring more to the table and make it affordable and develope traffic in a variety of ways.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Infomercials Pros and Cons

Looking for a way to increase sales or visitors to your site? Infomercials my be the answer. The following article is about the Pros and Cons of Infomercials.

are tools that businesses use to help grow their business. These ads are basically longer than commercials and they go on air in the early morning hours, usually after midnight for a few hours. There are both pros and cons to developing infomercials which will be discussed in the article to follow.

PRO: The infomercial gives the business a platform on which to explain your business
. The time can be a positive or negative, but if your infomercial is attractive enough, then you will be able to get the attention of someone to watch it and possibly long enough so that they are interested in your business. If your infomercial can have somebody look at it longer than a minute, there may be a chance that they will check your company out.

CON: Infomercials come on at the worst hours! Usually, from one in the morning until six in the morning the infomercial will run and not many people will be awake to watch it. The people who do watch a long infomercial may get bored unless it is very attractive to the eye. Some people who are awake at this time of night are sometimes intoxicated, studying, or just cannot get to sleep, and the infomercial may get bypassed immediately unless there is something to get their attention.

PRO: The charge for the infomercial will not be too expensive because of the time of day! Prices for infomercials can be a lot more affordable than other forms of advertisement and it may be just as effective if the right people watch it and you make it something they can watch for a definite period of time. Price is always a main point to consider when looking for a mode of advertisement.

CON: Infomercials have an already negative stereotype! Most people when they are flipping through the channels and see an infomercial, they quickly change the channel. Many older infomercials were boring and too long, and people remember those. Therefore, when they think about a newer infomercial, they still think the same thing. A negative stereotype is not a great start, but if they can see one positive infomercial, then they may reconsider their stand on infomercials.

Infomercials are another way to get the name of their company out on the market, as long as the infomercial will be something that grabs you as you watch it.

We hope you enjoyed the article and that it got you thinking about what you could do to increase traffic and then sales for your business or organization.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Radio AdvertisingCould not Have Helped Me

I ran into a time estimating problem in getting the new radio advertising program ready to launch. Luckily I have not set a public launch date. What I learned from this is to be a little more understandings when others have delays.

With that said. I will get back to work and setting up this great radio marketing program.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Radio Advertising - Is It Effective Today?

Today, there is old media and new media when it comes time to advertise and to get your message out for people to notice. What is effective and is radio a good deal? We found the following article and hope you find it useful as well as helpful in answering some of your questions.

This is a question that I get asked on a daily basis, so I thought I would sum it up in an article for all those out there searching for an answer. It’s quite simple really – Radio Advertising is as effective as you want it to be.
What do I mean by this? There are several factors that come into play when measuring the effect of a radio advertising campaign. Just as we learned in first grade – there is always a “Cause” that comes before the “effect”. So if you want a successful radio advertising campaign – let’s take a look at what can “cause” this to happen.

First, you need an effective message: A message that is put together by people who know how to write an effective radio commercial. Often time’s businesses will hire a professional radio commercial production firm to help them with this. While radio stations often offer “Free production” and “Free script writing” – the quality and effectiveness of these “free” efforts pale in comparison to what a small investment in a professional radio commercial production company can do for you. Bottom line, if you are going to do it – do it right. “Free” hardly ever means “Quality” or “effective”. If you have more questions about what an effective commercial consists of, drop me an email. It is listed below.
Second, you need an effective on-air schedule. Don’t just buy air time for the sake of buying air time. You will need frequency and consistency in your message if it is going to be effective. This often times requires being on the air for at least 3-4 weeks with a schedule that reaches the same people several times over in order for your target customers to take action. If you have more questions about what an effective on air schedule consists of, drop me an email. It is listed below.

Third – This ties into number two. Your commercial must be airing on stations that effectively reach your target audience. Quite simply – it’s demographics. No one in their right mind would to try and sell feminine products to a station that targets hard rocking males. Make sure your message is on target! The “most listened to” station in the market – may not be the “most listened to” by your target customer.

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So what do you think of the article? Did it answer any of your questions?

What if there was a way to merge old and new media for even better results? Would you be interested? Let us know what you think.