Thousands of people have put social bookmarking to powerful use for off-page optimization plus assorted marketing strategies. There seems to be no let-up with their popularity, especially for off-page SEO purposes. Yet the wiser IM businesses will use particular bookmark sites as they are intended to be used which is also a strategy for continued growth and development. So it all just is dependent upon what you want to accomplish in your business. Yes, bookmarks can be stored in your account at bookmarking sites, even though they have become community centers for lots of people. Plus you can tag your bookmarks with your unique search phrases which can help with some SEO but it tends to be temporary.
Several years ago the more popular bookmark sites changed all their links to nofollow which had a huge effect on bookmark rankings. The more well-known bookmarking websites had the ability to just kill the search results for their bookmarks. No, I don't have any secret information about the real reason those sites changed to nofollow. It does make for fascinating speculation but not terribly important at this point.
Make no mistake about what is feasible at high PR bookmarking web sites when you take a different approach with them. The majority of people who use them for backlinking tend to make very thin profiles that provide no value to the particular community. You'll find a few more strategically minded marketers who take the time and create high quality profiles. They have found that the more 'full bodied' profiles don't get removed and have a longer shelf life. This really is the best way to go for many reasons, and you will be able to use them for effective bookmarking for a long time.
When you do create a useful profile with content material, then naturally you can create an RSS feed from that. There is SEO value with a great RSS feed; not to mention RSS directory submissions you can do. Then what you will do is work in your links and other related content. Just make certain you provide exceptional content in your feeds and avoid being spammy with the links in them.
There is a balance that you have to hold with the amount of content and different promotional methods in your feeds. Another important aspect is to take time and build relationships at these bookmark sites. You can take a few minutes each day to distribute your good will at these sites, and that won't take very long plus it is a good investment decision.
There is flexibility inherent with working with bookmarking sites; so how well you use them is your business. We all probably realize most marketers only want the off page SEO value with bookmarking sites, and that is cool. Maybe you can try it at just one powerful bookmarking site and see how you like the results.